Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh 'EYE' see!!!

We seldom know the real worth of things unless they are under threat or are totally lost. This holds good for our health as well.I want to draw some attention to the very faculty with which you are paying attention at the moment- your eyes!

Eyes these days are under so much strain due to pollution, incomplete diet, extended exposure to computers and myriad other reasons.It true that we cannot completely avoid some of these factors due to the nature of work and lives that we have, but then its up to us to 'see' the point now, or realize when we cannot see at all, that is after we lose our eyes!

IT professionals with prolonged usage of computers are at maximum risk. We must take care to wash our eyes frequently with cold water. Every twenty minutesin front of the computer should be followed by mild eye exercises like palming, which involves rubbing our hands together to generate a little heat and cupping our eyes with our palm.

 Another effective exercise is to see far and near objects in a random fashion such that eye adjusts to see distant and closer objects. This can be done by focusing on different objects in the room, shifting your focus to one object after the other in quick succession. Yet another simple activity that is good for the eye is to sit back on a chair and look upward as far as you can, taking care not to strain our eyes. The same can be done sideways, downward and similarly in various directions.

Such small but effective exercises coupled with a healthy diet could go a long way in ensuring that our eyes stay healthy and beautiful.One must take care to avoid reading in moving vehicles, reading while lying down and reading in low light conditions which cause considerable strain to the eyes.

God's blessings are to be used with discretion.

Take care of yourselves. You owe it to yourself!!

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