Friday, March 19, 2010

Gym Tips

There are tons of routines that you can use at the gym, and it all depends on what your goal is. Fitness magazines such as "Self" and "Shape" always have good routines that you can use. Or just go in with the goal of doing 30 minutes of cardio and then using the different strength machines to do a certain body part a day. For instance, Monday run/walk on treadmill for 30 min and then do another 20-30min of leg exercises. Then on Wednesday do another 30 min of cardio and then 20-30min of upper body exercises.

At the gym, you're probably going to do some combination of cardio and strength training. The cardio machines--elliptical and treadmill or pretty straightforward to use, as are the strength training machines. If you have any questions on how to use them, just ask one of the staff there.If you've never done weights or other things, definitely start by doing some research, find out how some of the machines and weights work, how to do the lifts, and how to operate the cardio equipment.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you cannot afford a trainer, try to find someone with experience - there's no substitute to having someone show you in person how to do the lifts.I suggest doing weights about three times a week starting out, doing the entire body (upper and lower), trying out the weights to see how hit feels to you, working on form. Go really light to make sure you're doing it right and to get the form down. Don't overdo it! For cardio, just take it easy and go slow at first.

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