Thursday, April 8, 2010


A scrutiny of  the Budget of Union and State governments, post freedom, shows a steady increase in the money spent by Ministry of health and family welfare. The reasons may be attributed to growing population and raising costs of various things, over the years. These appear to be true from a superficial look. However, the truth lies hidden.

Even a casual on looker will ask few simple questions:

  • There is so much of medical advancement over the years.

  • The department of medicine has grown like anything, in almost all branches

  • There are so many specializations, so many experts, so many inventions / advancements, use of technology, new drugs, new surgical and other treatment techniques.
Yet, on the other hand, the number of diseases - deaths - disabilities is equally increasing in an alarming manner.

Recent pandemics like SARS, SWINE FLU has affected so many people, even much before doctors could recognize what it is. Before the development of any vaccine for that, the disease is almost over. Doctors themselves acknowledge that the vaccine for this season may not be effective for the next attack.

  • What could be the reason for all this?

  • Where lies the real problem?

  • What could be the solution?

  • Does any such solution really exist?
The problem is not only Indian, it is global.

Before we enter into a deep study of the problems and solutions, let us consider all the advantages of finding out and implementing such solutions:

1. The budget expenditure of Union and State governments for the department of Health and Family welfare will reduce to one tenth, in next 30 years.

2. Crime rate & terrorism rate will fall, so the need for expenditure on Security & allied services will also reduce.

3. Accident rate, family violence, Legal problems all will drop.

And so on. The list is very long. The global harmony will be fantastic.
The money thus saved, can be utilized for Education, Research, Growth & Development, Infra structural development.

Where lies the problem?

The causes of a disease can be broadly classified into Internal and External.

Examples for the external causes: Bacteria, Viruses, Pollutions, Heat & Cold, Water, life style, diet, stress etc. You name anything under the sky, it can be included under this head.

Internal cause is only one and that is the "In born body + mind nature of a person". To call it in a word - "Constitution". To add a little scientific spice to it - call it "Genes".

These genes determines all that is to happen in our life - our strengths, weakness, tolerance, intolerance, allergies, likes, dislikes, emotions, intellect - anything and every thing.

All along, medicine was focusing on managing & treating external causes and its effects. This is the reason why there was no great success and what all is discussed above.

If the genes of a person can be safely modified, the world will be a healthy one. Absolutely healthy.

How is it possible? Is that a myth? Please wait till next posting.

Dr. K. Srinivasan MD (Hom),


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